Mark Krajnak’s Jersey Noir

I got an email from Mark Krajnak yesterday after he saw a comment I made on Joe McNally’s blog. Mark is the guy in suit & hat in the first image on Joe’s The Hot Shoes Diary post. Joe mentions Jimmy Stewart’s 1955 classic Rear Window and all I can think about is Grace Kelly (be still my beating heart!) and how most of Joe’s fans are under 40 and have probably never seen the film. My kids still moan and groan when I start watching the old favorites like Rear Window,

Well, Mark shoots me an email and a link to his Jersey Noir gallery. Wow! What a great set of images and what a great idea for a theme. Stop on over to Mark’s Flicker gallery and see for yourself. Talk about stepping back in time!

If you’re wondering why I still swoon over Grace Kelly take a look of this still from the movie. As they used to say, “Oh Man, what a doll”.

2 thoughts on “Mark Krajnak’s Jersey Noir

  1. Mark,

    Hey, my pleasure. I really like your work, especially the grainy back & whites. Brings back fond memories.


  2. Wow, thanks for this Jeff! I nearly fell off my chair when I clicked onto your blog today and saw this post. Very glad you like my Jersey Noir theme as well – it’s one of my favorite types of conceptual phtoography to do, and I enjoy writing the little stories that go with photos too.

    If readers of your blog would like to see more of my work and other sets, just click the link above and they’ll go to my Flickr page. That’s were most of my work is.

    Fine art prints can be purchased through Imagekind:

    And I’m always trying to get published over at JPG magazine:

    Again, thanks so much again. I’m sure we’ll keep in touch. As Rick says at the end of one of my favorite noir movies, “I think this is the beginning of the a beautiful friendship.”

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